Get Involved
Cat Savant Cares
Here at Cat Savant, our goal is to make sure that as many cats as possible have a chance at a loving home and full bellies. With the help of our a-meow-zing customers, we donate 10% from every single order of Scoop Buddy to support cats in need. From donating food, supplies, medical fees and sponsoring adoption fees, our mission is to help get resources into the hands who really need it!
As a proud business partner of Mission Meow, we help bring meaningful change to cat-centric organizations. Thank you for helping us, help them!
Here are some more of our furriends and links to great resources! #saveallthecats

Buy pet stuff with Doobert and THEY PAY 5% of your order to the animal rescue YOU choose!
Naturally Cats
Understanding your cat is the key to a happy cat and a happy home. Their mission is to give cats a voice and I can only do that if you, their guardian, are ready to listen.
Moon Mojo Feline
Behavior Problems with your cat? Helping cats to shift the energy can go a long way to easing a lot of these issues. Our cats are extremely energetic beings, their chakras can become unbalanced much easier than ours.
Dr. Rachel Geller Cat Behaviorist
Understanding Your Cat’s Behaviors and What They Mean
Do you want to understand why your cats do certain things? Based in Newton, MA, Rachel S. Geller, Ed.D. advises you on how to resolve your cat’s behavioral and emotional problems.
Cat Behavior Alliance
Linda and Rita offer their Cat Behavior Counseling Expertise to help fund the Carolina Cat Sanctuary.
All Behavior Sessions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE for you as a donation to our growing sanctuary, where we specialize in giving senior and special needs cats a forever home.
Cat Symptom Checker – Two Crazy Cat Ladies
Free advice for helping your cat’s health and behavioral issues naturally.